Thursday, July 15, 2010

lionel chubs

This is Lionel Chubs.

Lionel Chubs came to our family in the form of a gift from our good friends; David, Heather, and Luke Steven. Heather was pushing Luke through the store to pick out a present for Noah when Luke pointed and called out, "Lion!" Heather knew at that moment that she had to put the lion in the cart.

As I began to complete the finishing touches on Noah's nursery I recalled my sister always having a toy handy to entertain her boys on their changing table. So, I nestled the lion in a woven basket next to the powder, lotion, and ointment; awaiting his playmate yet to be born.

As Noah grew and grew he required more entertainment whilst his diaper was changed. I pulled the lion, waiting right where I left him, from the basket and nuzzled him into Noah's chest. Noah, with eyes wide and large grin, hugged him. Instant friends.

One morning Nate was completing the typical diaper changing ritual and offered Noah the furry lion. As he did so he explained to Noah that is name was Mr. Chubs. Me overhearing this entered the room and added, "LIONEL Chubs." Because well, he's a lion. To which Nate chimed in, "Lionel at Lion." Due to our silliness laughter ensued.

Songs, poems, and stories have been created about Lionel Chubs and he continues to bring a smile to Noah's face, as well as ours, where there was a frown.

So glad to meet you Mr. Chubs, we're so very pleased you've come to stay.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

peter pan prince charming

Okay, so those of you who know me are aware of my affection for all things Disney and children's literature. I was thrilled when I found this onesie as I believed it to be discontinued last year. He is my little Prince Charming. Like father, like son.

As for the hat, well, a friend made it for me because of my love for Peter Pan. Noah's nursery is Peter Pan themed and I love all of the movies. The whimsy and magic of it all makes me giddy. Fortunately we have been blessed with more clothes than I know what to do with for him and unfortunately we never got around to putting this hat on him when he was smaller. As our boy has a larger than average noggin the hat is now too small.

And as of this week he has begun sticking out his tongue - it's the cutest thing and it makes me giggle constantly!

I won't grow up!

Gertie loves Noah. She feels that, like Noah, she should constantly be the center of attention and will squeeze herself into any photo she possibly can.

He makes this shocked and surprised face when he sees the flash of the camera.