Wednesday, September 8, 2010

what a poser

Being the proud momma that I am, I am constantly snapping shots and taking video clips of Noah. As a result he has developed a Pavlovian response to the beeping and pre-flash focus of our camera. I realized it yesterday. I was snapping away while he playfully delighted in his new books, yet each and every time he heard the beep he would look up, smile and pose. Once the final flash blinked, he was back to his books. It took me a couple of times to realize that is exactly what he was doing. I couldn't stop laughing and the experiment was on!

Not all of the pictures are perfect (lots of blinking with the flash) but he is looking at the camera when he was otherwise totally engrossed in the books.

Yowza, Mom! That's a lot of pictures you're takin' there!

Then he rolled under the dust ruffle and thought he was the most clever thing that ever graced the planet. I have to say I agree.

Obviously silliness ensued as it often does at our house. I didn't post all of the pictures here but there are over 12 in a row where he heard the beep, saw the pre-flash and actually posed. I guess it's true what they say, the apple certainly doesn't fall far from the tree, especially when the trunk and the branches are rooted in dramatic soil.